Blog Post

Government Loan Inspection Requirements Revealed

  • By Amy Kleptach
  • 22 Aug, 2022

Additional water tests are required for all VA and FHA loans!

Government loans have requirements beyond what conventional loans require when it comes to the home inspections, wood destroying insect inspections and the water well inspections. The right company will help you navigate potential issues that may arise because of stricter loan requirements and appraisal issues. Using an inspection company with experience and who can provide all the services needed makes for a smooth lending process and no surprises!

If the buyer of your house is using a VA loan for the purchase, you - the seller - are required to pay for the wood destroying insect inspection. Pay the inspector on the day of the service.

If the home has a water well system, Government loans require that the water source be tested for three additional contaminants. They are lead, nitrates, and nitrites water tests.

Lead would leach into the water system if lead is present in the solder used to install the pipes. Nitrates and nitrites would come from over-fertilization of farm land or a leaching septic system.   These three tests go to an out of state lab and can take up to 5 days to process the results.   We always recommend asking your lender if they require these tests, or order them for the safety of you and your family.

As for issues with the home, government loan appraisers can require handrails, GFCI's by water sources, no broken window panes, a roof with 2+ years of life and more. All of our inspectors include any item in the report that would need to be addressed before the appraiser’s visit.

When deciding what inspections to choose, always choose as many inspections that are available and applicable to the house you are considering purchasing.

Houses can be dangerous, cause injury or even death if not maintained correctly.

The water well evaluation is not part of the general home inspection.  TK Home Inspection inspectors are Ohio H2O System Contractors. We offer water testing, water system evaluations, septic inspections, home inspections, radon testing, indoor air quality testing, pest inspections, and more. Give us a call at 330.361.5505 or go online at to schedule all your inspections today.

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