Buying a house is risky. You reduce that risk by getting an appraisal and by performing a home inspection. But those two services are limited. The appraisal will tell you if the house is priced correctly and the home inspection will inform you of repairs needed, small and large.
What you do not know as a buyer is how much you are going to spend on energy costs throughout the year. It could be substantial! Energy costs are the #1 expense for home owners.
Another thing you do not know is how much of your money is actually being wasted due to energy efficiencies in the home. Window, doors, insulation, heating system and other factors determine the performance of a home. What if there was a list that would tell you the top energy saving upgrades and improvement you could make and the money you could save?
What if there was a report that could compare energy cost per house so you know before you purchase what the actual energy cost will be and the list of items for the best improvements? If this was available, would you want it?
We have this service and it is available as a package with a home inspection or a stand alone service.
Call today to schedule your Home Energy Score along with you home inspection.